Narcotics Anonymous

Our Vision Statement:

    “A society in Texas and surrounding communities where every individual battling addiction is offered a solution with empathy, understanding, and support from Narcotics Anonymous. By fostering relationships with professionals and communities, we envision a future where the transformative power of compassion and support leads to widespread healing and hope for all affected by addiction.”

Our Mission Statement:

“Our mission in Narcotics Anonymous is to provide compassionate support and resources to individuals struggling with addiction. We are dedicated to working with professionals to educate and inform them about our solution for recovery. Through collaborative efforts within our service structure, we aim to empower individuals and professionals to understand our program and have timely access to information about Narcotics Anonymous in Texas and surrounding communities.”

What is Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous is a global, community-based organization with a multilingual and multicultural membership.

Find a NA Meeting

To find a meeting click here and you can serach by city, county or zip code.

Request a Presentation

Please click here to request a presentation for your organziation by Narcotics Anonymous.

For Our Members

Member information and links.

Texas NA Service Committees

Texas is serviced by multiple committees. Fo a list of the cities they serve and contacts click here.